I was a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I was in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Kiwi Can

Organising My Drive
LI: To organised your google drive and write a blog post about it.
Today for Cyber smart we were supposed to write a blog post about organising my Drive. Before I blogged this we had to organise our drive. The reason why you should organisie your Drive is to make your drive not look like a mess. When you make a DlO you make sure you put them in a folder so if you click on a folder that you want your DLO to be in it will automatically be there. You also want to delete the DLO's that you don't need so your drive doesn't get slower.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Maths Actions
LI: to learn maths vocabulary related to mathematical operations
Today for maths we had to make videos of our self explaining what adding, subtract, Multiply and Divide means. So Adding is when you put a number and a other number together and it will make a higher number then both of the numbers, Subtract is when you take away a number from a other number, Multiply is when you count the same number over and over again and lastly divide is when you have a object and you want to share it with some people evenly.
Adam Hall/Self Monitoring
LI: To Self monitor our understanding of text
Today for reading we had to read a article about Adam Hall but we first had to budy up with someone I budy up with a boy named Andrew. So when we finished reading the article we had to make a copy of the google doc that Mr Wong told us to use and put the words that we didn't understand there and try and find out what it means with a Strategy. This is my work and words I didn't understand but I do now.
Adam Hall,
Duffy Guest
LI: To Write a blog post about Duffy.
Today we were suppose to do a blog post about Duffy assemble. The guest that came to our school was Tayla and Matt Johnson. Matt's goal was to become a PE teacher and tayla's goal is to granulate university. Tayla told us all the things she been though in her life but the first thing she told us is that she used to be a bmx rider she told us that she was playing outside with her family then she went to her grandpas shed and saw trophies and a photo of her mum on the new's letter so she reading the new's letter and heard that her mum was a bmx champion so she wanted to become one to. Matt wanted to be a PE teacher and help people win there games and teach them some sports. after that tayla came to or class room to handout or books but we first played some Olympics games. when Tayla was gonna go she answered all or questions and one question was what other sport does Matt Johnson play and tayla said softball cause Matt played rugby for the blues and used to play softball for new zealand.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Today for cybersmart we had to learn some device skills I already learn a lot about Device skills. Control W will Delete a tab and control t replace the tab control next arrow is swap accounts and it has alot of awesome cool stuff.
Device skills
Pigeon Imposible
LI: to identify and use different forms of figurative language.
Today we were doing writing, I learned a lot of Figurative language. so mr wong shared us a google slide and we went thew the slides and had to highlight the words that suppose to be highlight
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Today I wrote a comment on Spelmans blog I wanted to ask him if he can tell me what the logo means and what the name means I also like his logo alot it was a amazing almost better then the logo I have in my group.
LI: to learn maths vocabulary related to magnitude (size), quantity (amount), position (place), and direction.
Today for maths we had to go on the google slide mr wong sent us and do the lessons that show up it was easy to do this cause it was stuff I already knew. I didn't make a animation but I just recorded what to do. I mange to finish it before Friday and put it on the must do task list.
Kiwi Sport
Today for kiwi sport we were doing softball. Today we played a full game of softball we had fielders and batters I was on the field first and the rest was batting when we were fielding I was trying to mark the spot the ball is gonna go to but it didn't work out so well then we had to change my team is batting and the others are fielding. When I was about to bat I mange to hit it first try and ran to second base but I almost got one of my team mates out. then we had to do fielding again I mange to catch the ball and get one person out but I didn't on the rest.
kiwi sport,
Team Motto
LI: To make your group a motto and explain why you made it
Today for inquiry we had to make a google slide and write your motto in there and other motto's. The First motto we did was or motto or motto was" Think Before You Play" we made it as a motto cause we think before we play the match. The second Motto we did was Twitch, The twitch motto was "Don't just watch join in" the motto was made so other people can play games and record well they are playing. The next Motto was YouTube,The YouTube motto is Broadcast Yourself I think it became a motto so people can record there live's and tell story that happen in there live's. The Last Motto was Facebook the motto is "Move fast,Break Things, I think Facebook was made so people can meet others online and know them better and also let fan's talk to famous people.
Yesterday I went to cricket on a bus it was awesome there and I enjoyed it a lot but some bad things happened. we were versing a lot of school The first school we played against is point England we lost the game against them but we had fun the we were versing Tamaki Primary and we won against them we had to verse Panama school but it was a Draw so No one won next was point England again but we lost again next it was stonefeilds we lost against them cause they never told us the rules the had in common. Then we had to pack up or stuff and go on the bus back to school.
- LI: to monitor our understanding of a text by ourselves.
Today For reading we had to make a google Draw and write all the problems about the book we were reading about. Then I made a text box taking about what other strategies it will help you learn better. I also explain what Self Monitoring means on the DLO. It was hard reading some of the books cause it had a lot of hard words I didn't understand.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Olympics Logo/Olympics Name
Today For inquiry we had to make a Logo and name for or Olympics challenges, Or Group Name was SSKS which stands for Strength,Speed,Knowledge and Skill, Me and my group also made a logo which means" We don't just come from one Country we come from all around the world". It was a pleasure having my group cause they have a lot of talent and ability's. My group made this on a Google slide and used it to make this logo.
country's and Group People
country's and Group People
" We don't just come from one Country we come from all around the world"
Kiwi Sport
LI: To learn how to play the game
This week for softball we were playing a full game of soft ball, So the first thing we did was picking a team I was in team number two and they were bating first, When I hit the ball I mange to get to second base but never made it home, Then we were up to fielding I mange to get one person out but the rest was I never got them out, When one person in team number one hit the ball it hit my hand that didn't have a glove on, Then it was team two bating again, When I was bating I was thinking of hitting it far so my teammates make to home base and me two, When I hit it I ran all the way back to home base and my team mates did.
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Personal Recount
LI: to accurately use a range of simple, compound, and complex sentences.
Today For Writing we had to write a recount about the pop art we did last week I didn't mange to get enough time to right this recount but I hope you enjoy reading it, So we had to go on the writing journal Document that Mr Wong shared to us to write or Recount in but we had to plan first so we did we first came up with titles we had to pick titles so I Picked Popular Art Recount. Then we had to explain the reveal which is the five w's and one H.
ssr selfie
LI: To read a book and Talk about it to the people who hasn't read the book
Today I did ssr selfie in ssr selfie we had to pick a book you have read and talk about it I choose Alex Rider cause I love reading the books about him. after that you had to explain what happen in the story I explained a lot I had to make the sentences more smaller. the author of the book Alex rider must be a really good story teller If I had one wish I would wish to meet the author and make a book with him.
Today I did ssr selfie in ssr selfie we had to pick a book you have read and talk about it I choose Alex Rider cause I love reading the books about him. after that you had to explain what happen in the story I explained a lot I had to make the sentences more smaller. the author of the book Alex rider must be a really good story teller If I had one wish I would wish to meet the author and make a book with him.
ssr sellfie
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Making Predictions
LI: to activate prior knowledge about a topic before reading
Today For reading we were doing making predictions, The first thing we did is to look at a cover of a book we were reading a book named picking up puha I was thinking in my head is it picking up the plant puha or a person named puha it was very hard until I read the book, When I was Reading the book it wasn't about picking a person named puha it was about picking up a plant named puha, So prediction means to look at a cover of a book and try and think whats gonna happan by looking at the cover. I hope you guys understand what prediction mean and use in your reaading.
Making Predictions,
Mixed Addition and Subtraction word problems
LI: to identify subtraction problems.
Today For Maths we had to put the problems to the right place as you can see I had a lot of addition problems which was easy but the addition and subtraction was to easy I hope I got more harder problems in the future cause this was to easy hope you enjoy reading my blog post. Read the hole document on the link at the top. I wrote all the answers of the problems on a book but I was not suppose to do it.
add and subtraction,
Friday, 9 March 2018
Pop Art
LI: To make a pop art that is like Andy Warhol
Today we did Art in this we had to sketch go over lines and paint These are my photos in my DLO.
I wrote about what we did in the work and how we did it. I made huge mistake on my art work bu not adding my ears but I mange to get Though it. it was hard coloring with pastel cause we had to try and not go over the line I want over the line many times but still got though it. I hope you people experience what I did in the art.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Little Boat Commenting
LI: To Identify the features of a recount.
LI: to evaluate in improve on our writing.
Today for Writing We had to blog my recount from last week of your comments. In my recount I was writing in first person if we are we had to comment on your recount and highlight the words you believe is first person and past tense and other stuff these are my comments I wrote about my recount.
Activating Prior Knowledge Poster
LI: To Activate prior knowledge about a topic before reading the book.
Today for Reading we had to write a poster about Activating prior knowledge. In my poster I wrote why you should use activating prior knowledge in your learning I wrote you should use activating prior knowledge because it will help you in new topics and it can make you make strategy for your learning. if you Never knew what activating prior knowledge means it means to use information that you all ready know and use it on new topics ahead.
Activating Prior Knowledge,
Kiwi Sport
LI: To Know How to Pitch
Today For Kiwi sport we were practicing pitching The first thing we had to do is to stand side ways to your partner then without bending your arm try and throw it with your Risk. Then we had to do a challenge and do with out drooping the ball with your partner. Me and my partner lost but we had fun. The next thing we did is to try and pass the softball by rotating your arm. it was Petty easy but I keep putting to much strength in it and it lets the ball fly's in the air. Then we keep practicing and Practicing until we are use to pitching well Next week we will have a full game of softball but Im used to Cricket way better sorry softball players reading my blog post. So you will see the next blog post of softball Next week.
kiwi sport,
LI: To know how to publish a smart comment.
Today I was commenting on Giovanni's blog I ask what did you learn from your this vs that work and I really Enjoyed seeing his blog it has a lot of interesting learning. My goal for commenting is to become good at commenting by the end of term 1.
Giovanni's blog
Today I was commenting on Giovanni's blog I ask what did you learn from your this vs that work and I really Enjoyed seeing his blog it has a lot of interesting learning. My goal for commenting is to become good at commenting by the end of term 1.
Giovanni's blog
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Kiwi Can
This Week for Kiwi Can or Topic was Leadership. So when Mr Ogilvie and LS1 Got to room 7 we had to sit on the mat and then Or Kiwi can teacher Miss lily and Mr Matt will tell us or new topic, After that we got in to budys I was Budys with Fanini and we had to stack or hands together and when or kiwi can teachers tell us to go up or down we had to do it but when they say hammer the hand on top tries to hit the other persons hand. After that we sat on the mat and had a talk then we had to stand up and get into three lines the person in front of the line had to look at the teacher and copy what they do, the others had to look to the back of the line and the last person in the line has to stand up and remember the action the others told him or her.
kiwi can,
Leader ship
LI: To subtract by counting down using or fingers or materials.
Today For math We had to answer all the question Mr Wong wrote for us on a spreed sheet I mange to answer them all but I deleted one layer of questions cause for some reason when you type the right answer it will swap to a different number and say Try again. The 2 digit numbers and the 1 digit number was easy buy the 3 digit number got harder and harder Check out the spreed sheet Heres the link To it
Spreed sheet link
add and subtraction,
Andy Warhol Poster
LI: To use Different Techniques To create a visual art piece.
Today for Inquiry we had to make a poster of Andy Warhol. In the poster me and my group wrote about him and also wanted to know the answer of the questions we want to know about. I was so surprised how Andy Warhol is in men in black 3 well he died in 1987, Also Andy Warhol made a pop art of Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe which cost a lot of money. When I was trying to find facts of Andy Warhol I came over a fact that Andy Warhol was A fear of Hospitals and Doctors it was so surprising I was thinking hes a fear of spiders or other dangerous animals. So Andy Warhol was Born in 1928 in August 6th then died in 1987 By a irregular heartbeat.
Andy Warhol,
Friday, 2 March 2018
How to do A blog post
LI: To Teach people who don't know what's a blog post.
Today for cyber smart we had to write a blog post about how to do a blog post so if you do know how to do a blog post I prefer not reading this. so step number 1 is to make a new post so if you click new post you will get a page were your have to wright on the page and put your labels on the labels spot.
after that you blog about what you were learning with your teachers.
Today for cyber smart we had to write a blog post about how to do a blog post so if you do know how to do a blog post I prefer not reading this. so step number 1 is to make a new post so if you click new post you will get a page were your have to wright on the page and put your labels on the labels spot.
after that you blog about what you were learning with your teachers.
blog post,
Pixel Art
LI: To Draw straight out lines
Today I was doing pixel art in this I had to draw straight out lines to make any thing this is what I did.
I was drawing a exclamation mark and this is my drawing I only did the easy one first.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
kiwi sport
Today we were doing kiwi sport we were practicing bating in soft ball. our kiwi sport teacher split us up into teams and I was bating first so my aim was to hit the ball all the way to Nouth Korea just joking my aim was to hit it far so I can get a home run but I didn't it just rolled on the floor. so when we were doing fielding I went to the place were I knew the ball will always go to. we had to chase after the ball and then past to someone two times and put it on the cones. we all enjoyed it and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this blog post.
kiwi sport,
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