
Friday, 29 June 2018


L.I is to make a slide of MRS GREN then make a video
This week for inquiry we had to make a speech to record or say it live to the classroom we chose to say it live. So in the google slide we had to write a speech in order about MRS GREN we had to chose a plant or a animal to talk about. We chose a plant and that was the Venus fly trap.

Character/ T-Chart/ Brendon Urie

LI: To use figurative language to describe a charter. 
This week for writing we were learning about figurative language. We had to make a google draw and make a T-Chart about you describing the person you chose to describe. On a T-Chart you have to basically create a T and write the difference between the charter or something. I did my boring describing on one side and the interesting describing on the other side. I did the Singer named Brendon Urie.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Kiwi Sport

This week was the last week for term two kiwi sport. We first started off by wearing a belt and a tag then we had to line up boys line and the girls line our teacher will tell us which team we had to go in I was in team three. Then it was team one vs team two after that it was team three vs team four then it was team three vs team one after that it was team four vs team one. When it was team one vs team two team one won I think and team three vs team four team four won. Team three vs team one team one won team four vs team one team four won. This was the last week we all enjoyed it.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Kiwi Can

This week for kiwi can we started off by leaning up in five lines. Then we played a game in this game there are two people the have a noddle and the have to hit the class with it when our teachers say shark attack. Then we sat on the mat and listen to what our teacher said. Then we played our activity in this activity there would be two teams one is the girls team and one is the boys team when our teachers call out a number the person that was that number has to go and hit the ball into the other teams goal. Then we played GKQ after that we got into points this week was group B's most successful week because we earn five out of five on everything that means our class was listening well.

Circulatory system [Explanation]

LI: To describe the structures and respective functions in the human respiration system and circulatory system.

This week for inquiry we had to continue our work from last week. Mr Wong told us if we had finish our explanation from last week we had to write a other explanation about the circulatory system but the explanation will talk about the animals circulatory system. As you can see in my DLO you would see my explanation about the open circulatory system and the closed circulatory system. I explained how it works and I also explained about how the animals circulatory system works. So in the DLO I have a title, Introduction, Sentence and a solution. 


This is not my creation but this is and example.

This week for Maori we made a weaving fish when you make a weaving fish you have to go though a lot of hard things like I did I never finish my weaving fish. So the first thing we did was read a book the book was about to fish but there larger then average fish. The lived in a harbour and one of the fish wanted to leave the harbour so he asked his friend if he wants to escape with him and he laughed so they both had a argument  after there argument the fish that wanted to leave broke free by destroying the land in to the sea. Then we had to make a weaving fish you can also watch the video. I prefer to watch the video I share because it's a more helpful video.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Think Board

L.I. to recognize the whole of an object, part of an object and equal parts and their names.
This week for maths we were learning about fractions. We learn about two maths words numerator and denominator. A numerator is a number a denominator is dividing. So in this maths task we had to do what the text on the google draw tells us to do so we had to pick a fraction I picked five tenth. Then you had to write a story about the fraction after you have write the story you had to show the fraction after that you make the fraction with the equipment and lastly we had to write other names of the fractions.

Monday, 18 June 2018


LI: To infer information from a text.
This week for reading we were learning about inferring. Mr Wong first should us some video and taught us about inferring. Inferring is figuring out something by using hints from the author and your prior knowledge.  So we had to make a copy of the google doc Mr Wong shared to us and we had to do some inferring.

What does synonym mean?

LI: To build a vocabulary.
This week for writing we were learning about synonym. We first had to understand what synonym means then we had to make a google slide with the meaning of synonym and examples of it. Synonym is words that are spelt differently but has the same meaning like Friend and mate. We had to make three or more google slides writing down words that mean the same.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Lattice method and Japanese method

LI: To develop the Japanese and Chinese method for multiplication outside the basic facts.
This week for maths we had to make a DLO explaining the maths method we have learned. Using these methods makes your time table easy. But you still need to know your time tables for these methods. I'd prefer using the lattice method if your racing someone on there time tables and you can use the Japanese one when your not in a race or a contest. The lattice method and the Japanese method might be hard at first but when you keep practising it your get better at it. 

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Circulatory System

LI: to describe the structures and respective functions in the human respiration system and circulatory system.
This week for inquiry I did a task for the circulatory system. My work is not that finished yet. So I did the explanation for my group. For the explanation I had to explain how the parts of the circulatory system works and how does the circulatory system work. I explained what the heart and the blood vessels do for the circulatory system and also I explained how does the circulatory system work. If you didn't know what does the circulatory system does it pumps out the blood around the hole body. So it starts with black blood then your black blood would go into your heart then your heart will turn the black blood to red blood and the heart pumps out the red blood all around the body.

Kiwi sport

Wednesday afternoon
On Wednesday afternoon group A and group B got to do a kiwi sport follow up with our kiwi can teachers. We first started by wearing our belts and tags then we played a game of octopus but in this game when one of your tag get ripped off you will have one more turn until your other tag gets ripped. When both tags get ripped you can move around and get the other peoples tag. Then we got into groups one group was runing and trying to get a try and one group has to defend there area then they have to swap doing it so the other group is defending and our group is runing.

Thursday Morning
This week for kiwi sport we started off by playing a game of octopus. But in this octopus game the people in the middle had to rip your tag off your belt then we had to get into teams and two teams would vs each other on the game of octopus. Then we played a game of rippa rugby in this game of rippa rugby forward passes are allowed but off sides are not allow team two was versing team four and team one was versing team three. Team one and four won the games. Thanks to our kiwi sport teacher for teaching us how to play rippa rugby.   

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


This week for Maori we started buy singing a song of Matariki. Then our Maori teacher gave us a piece of paper with words that you have to find on that piece of paper but it was Maori words not English words. Then we had to write at the back of the paper the song of Matariki. The song lyrics of Matariki is the names of the stars in order.

Kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we first started by playing a game. I forgot the game name so I just call it a unknown name. In this game we had to get into groups then our kiwi can teacher wrote on the board what each letter or number on the cards mean. So after we get into groups we had to pick a leader and the leader has to go to the teacher and grab a card after you grab a card you have to look at the card and the what ever it says we have to do. Then we played a other game in this game we had to get into partners and our kiwi can teacher would say a fruit but before we started she told us what the fruit action is and we had to do it with our partner. 

Why do our muscles get tried?

LI: To self- monitor understanding of words and phrases.
This week for reading we had to make a video recording our self and explain the new words you learned in the book and what the book is about. We did a keyword list that shows the words we don't know and wrote beside it the meaning of the word. The word I learned about was fatigue which means when your muscles get too tried from exercising too much.

Acrostic Poem

LI: What are the different types of poetry.
This week for writing we were learning about types of poems. As you can see in my slide show we had to start a sentence with our name and tell the audience something about you. So in the second slide I wrote a simple sentence and on the third slide I wrote like a more of a detailed sentence. 

Friday, 8 June 2018

Kiwi sport//Rippa Rugby

Sport: Rippa Rugby
Today for kiwi sport we first started buy playing a game of rippa rugby then we played a other game and in this game we had to get into partners. Me and my partner had to line up behind or in front of each other. I was at the back so I had to line up in the other side I was number four so I had to wait until my number gets called and I would defend and try and rip my partners tag off or I can run with the ball and try and get a try without my tag geting riped. Then our kiwi sport teacher called numbers all together and we had to defend or strike. Then we had to take off or belts roll them up and or tags and put them back to the place it's suppose to be at.

Easter Island

LI: To know information about the country we are doing.
This week I did the country named Easter island. I did Easter island because it's more of a challenging island to do. Easter island might have a tribe there I think it's to dangerous to visit that island but you can still visit it if you wanna pay one thousand dollars per a person. If you didn't know the capital of easter island.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018


LI: To identify retail outlets and their online equivalents for consumer goods.
This week for cyber smart we had to explain on a padlet why is retail or shoping online better or worst.
As you can see in the photo thats what I wrote in the google padlet. I think shoping online is better because it's cheaper and you can get other products from other conutrys. Last weeks cycbersmart was simlr to this weeks cybersmart but in this cyber smart we had to write why shoping online or retail shoping better or worst.

Kiwi can

LI: To know what and how to be a role model.
Topic: Role models
Theme: Integrity
This week for kiwi can our topic was role model. In Kiwi can we first got welcomed into the class by our kiwi can teachers then we talked about our theme which is integrity. After that we played a warm up game named cat and mouse in this game there would be a cat and mouse the cat has to chance after the mouse and the mouse had to run away from the cat the other people had to go into vertical lines and then the others had to hold hand and the cat and mouse had to go under there hands. Our kiwi can teacher tell us which way to face and we had to face the way he told us to face at. Then we sat on the mat and talked about our topic which is role models. Then we played a game named catwalk in this game we had to spreed into teams. It was boys vs girls I versed sione and we both had to act like mr bean first but we didn't agree with it so we chose a other role model and it was Micheal Jackson. As you can see in the photo I was wearing a hat and dancing on the catwalk.  


LI: To explain what we did in Maori.
When is matariki?
If you are from new Zealand and is Maori then you should know a celebration named matariki. Matariki is the Maori name for clusters of stars. Matariki means eye of god I think they called it that because the seven stars of matariki. The matariki celebration starts in June fifteenth. The matariki show up in new years then disappear and comeback on June fifteenth. If your from a different country I hope you understand what matariki.

Names of the stars:

Friday, 1 June 2018

Shoping online vs Retail Shoping

LI: To tell the audience places you can buy stuff.
Today for cyber smart we had to make a google draw our a Venn dirgham telling people where to buy objects. I did sport gears and balls cause there is a lot of places you can buy sport gears and balls from. 

Volume and Capacity

LI: To measure plastic containers with water.
This week for maths we did Volume and Capacity. In this maths activity its similar to last weeks must do but in this one your suppose to fill up a container with a measuring cup and write how many Miller leters is it. Then we had to write how tall is the container and whats the width and the depth. Lastly we had to make a flip grid explaining what volume and capacity is.


This week I mange to get my group four points for completing work. We got on to our elective task. In this activity we had to compare a humans digestive system to a animals digestive system. I picked a cow cause humans and cows have a lot of things different in there digestive system and also a lot things that are the same. I had to write what is different between a cow and a human in the digestive system and what is the same. I got my group five points but my group talked to loud and our teacher took one away. We had lots of work to show but half are not done.

Keyword list

LI: To summarise a text using keywords.
This week for reading we had to write a keyword list about the book we were reading. Basically you would wright words down and beside it will be the meaning. The book we were reading about was follow your food. In this book they talked about what the digestive system is and what the body parts do. Then we had to make a video reviewing the website and talk about what do you think about the website.