This week for kiwi can we were learning how to show respect. So we first started by lining up in two lines and walking to room seven which was were Kiwi can is set up at then we got into four teams I was in team four. Then we Played our activities and it was called sensitive Race in the game we had to stand in a circle and when your number gets called you have to run in a circle back to your spot and get the ball in the middle before anyone. This task was kinda hard for me cause I didn't really have that much speed well it was very fun though. Then we got back into our four lines then we had to talk our rules. We talked about not having to wear uniforms I think its better to wear uniform because you can introduce your school. Then we played our last game and the name of it was master in the game we get a paper and a pen an once our teacher says a letter then we had to name stuff that starts with that letter. Then we got to doing our points after that we went back to class.
I was a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I was in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
LI: To learn about the Maori culture.
This week for Maori we were learning how to say the days in Maori and how to spell it. So we first started by siting on the floor then our teacher came in and we had to greet her in Maori after that she started reading us a story and it was about the days After that we had to search up places on google maps then we had to make a google slide about the days we stooped at Wednesday. But we used the Maori dictionary to spell the Maori words in Maori. So this week for Maori we were learning about the weather. It was fun because you got to learn a new language.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Line Tag Recount
LI: Recap on structure and language features of written texts
This week for writing we wrote two recounts about line tag. So we first started by playing two rounds of line tag then we came back to class to write or recount after we were done we had to chose ether that or recount was good or bad I picked good but after our teacher said the mistakes I made I thought mine was bad so then we got to restart writing our recount and I think my new recount is better then my old one because it included who was there, what day it was, where it happened and what happen. But we had limited time to write the recount I it was forty minutes on my first recount I didn't really finish but on my second one I think I did well. This was also a practice to our writing test.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Kiwi Sport//Boxing
LI: To learn how to box and protect yourself.
This week for kiwi sport we had our first season of boxing so we met our kiwi sport teacher Pat. Then we talked about the safety rules, The safety rules are Don't use these skills on someone and never practice these skills at home or anywhere if you do then you would have to do jump up then fall on the floor lay on your belly then stand up and do one star jump. After we learnt that we went to wear our boxing gloves but we first had to wear gloves under them to keep your sweet away from the gloves. We also had ninety seconds to do this if we don't make it in time we do the same thing as breaking the rules. Then we got into partners when I was with my partner we had to name or self's a number and the number had to get on separated lines. After we did that we learned our first skill and that was to separate our feet like are on a train track and put when feet beside the other one but behind it then we covered our face with the gloves by putting or hands together and and blocking your head and body then we had to test so one partner had to move around the other partner to see if he would fall or not then we learned how to strike someone well your defending your self and that was to jab if you didn't know what is a jab you use your left hand and punch your target. Then we learned how to do the jab twice one after another. Then we learned how to jab twice and punch with your right hand. After that we had to pack up and put or gloves away and wash or hands then we went back to class to write or blog post.
kiwi sport
Typing Practice
Go on this Website
LI: To learn how to type faster and type probably.
This week I did some typing practice So I first started by going on a website named on the website you can test how fast you are at typing and how great you are at it. You can also see your mistakes that you can make and how Much point's you scored. My speed of using the keyboard is thirty percent and I had to mistakes and my score was four hundred and seventy seven I am Hoping you can earn more then me.
keyboard drills,
Inquiry//World war one//History
LI: To learn information about world war one and how it happened.
This week for inquiry we were learning about world war one again but this week we had to watch three videos before we start our task the video explains how world war one started and why it happened. After we watched all three our teacher shared us a google drawing showing writing on it we had to put that writing on the word were you think it suppose to be if your not sure what I am talking about its MAIN, MAIN stands for Militarism, Alliance,Imperialism and nationalism. We had to get the sentence on the google draw on the right place out of the words. After that below it we had to write what caused world war one.
world war 1
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Conflict and resolution
LI: To analyse a story for its Conflict and resolution.
This week for reading we were reading about a book named Painted hoe. In the book it talks about the past history of New Zealand. So in the book it explains what happened when the Europeans arrived at New Zealand when the Maori people were here. This book is probably a information report. The Maori people and the Europeans remind me of the book sparks because in sparks Dillon doesn't want to share the scooter just like how the Maori people didn't want to share New Zealand.
Painted Hoe,
LI: To learn about Parihaka
This week for Maori we first started by reading a book named "Remember that November". That book was about Parihaka if you didn't know what Parihaka is its was a Maori village in Aoeteora also know as New Zealand. So after reading the book we got a map of New Zealand from our teacher. Then we had to find on the map where the Parihaka village was at. After we found it we had to find information about the Parihaka village when I was researching I came a cross a person and his name was John bryce at first I could not pronounce his last name by now I can. We also had to hear a song but I didn't get time to do it.
Smart Media
LI: To learn what smart media is.
This week for cyber smart we were learning about smart media again but this time we completed our slide. So our first task on the slide was creating a word art if you didn't know what is a word art it is basically a drawing created with words so one of the word arts had to describe our family and some of the word art has to describe your self. Then our next task was to put a image of your self that's good for home our school. Then after that task our next one was to play the coco crunch cereal game and explain what is the purpose of buying the cereal. Then our last task was to think of a school media protect and a other media product that you created.
Google slide
LI: To create a google slide explains what you did and giving others activity's.
This week for Maths I learned about Geometry. Then we had to create a google slide with information that we learned from our teacher then we had to create a activity for people to do. So I first started by learning what Geometry means then I created a google slide explaining what I did and giving others task to do. So the people that wanna do the task you first go on my google slide which the link to it is on top of the learning attention then once you entered my google slide make a copy of it if you didn't know how on the top of the slide where the tittle is it below it, It shows files and once you click it then something will show make a copy and that it click and then done after that you complete the task I'm giving you so the first one is rotation then slide and lastly flip.
Friday, 19 October 2018
LI: To learn how to convert.
This week for maths we were learning how to convert. So we first started by choosing what we wanted to learn about I wanted to learn about measurement then we had to put a question of what you wanted to learn about I wanted to know how to convert. Then after we learned about that we had to explain it to the audience on a DLO which is basically a google drawing or a google slide. We also got to measure weight of stuff. we also got to use water to measure stuff.
World War 1 Interactive Notebook
LI: To learn about WW1.
This week for inquiry we learned about world war one. So we first started by making a copy of the google side our teacher sent us then we had to complete the task in the slides. Then we had to read a whole sentence and put the things that happened in world war one in order of dates after that we had to search up the meaning of the teams and things that happened in world war one for a example the Zimmerman telegram it was a message sent by Germany to there ambassador in mexico. It was fun cause we got to learn more about world war one.
world war 1
LI: To Learn our timetables and division.
This week I was doing Division and Multiplication so I first wrote my division first then my multiplication. So I did my twelve time tables and my division. It was awesome because I got to learn more basic facts.
LI: To learn how to use a keyboard normally.
This week I was doing keyboarding. So in this keyboarding website there will be words on the screen and you have to spell it out and also use your hands and type on your keyboard propeller. So My aim is to reach level two on our Daily six task list.
daily 6,
keyboard drills

LI: To know how to write a good comment.
This week for commenting I wrote a comment on Xaviers blog asking him questions.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Text Types
LI: Recap on structure and language features of written texts.
This week for writing we learn about different text types. In this task we had to remember stuff that we already learn before. So in this task we had to make a copy of a slide our teacher sent us and in the slide we had to put the words into the right page. Well you first had to check if you were right or wrong once you asked if you were correct then you had to right reason why it should be there for a example in the recount area there is a word people use and that is TREE, TREE Stands for Title,Reveal,Events and ending. After that we had to make a line were in the text its suppose to be. Also we had diffent types of text one was a producer one was a recount and lastly one was a explanation/Information report. Also before we did the text types we got into partners and got shared a google document with writing and we had to say what the text are we also had to fix the mistakes.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
LI: To learn about media.
This week for cyber smart we did smart media so we first started by remembering what media is then we played a game a Cereal company owns and in the game we created our own website about co co crunch cereal. We had to find out which company owns the website and it was coco crunch. Then we had to find out what is the purpose of making the website and that is to make people buy the cereal and also convince kids to ask there parents to buy the cereal. It was fun creating a new website because it included choosing your own motto and mythical character. I think the game was like a advertisement.
Video Website
LI: To learn about Maori myths.
This week for Maori we read a mythical book and it was about a man and women creating seven child that want to separate there parents so after they did all seven of them became a god of something.Sometimes when it rains its the father crying because he was separated from his wife. We read the book we watch a YouTube video about someone creating art of the myth using sand it was amazing cause I've never seen anything like it but then our teacher told us that the first person to find new Zealand was kupe he and his wife wear exploring and once they got back to there home they told there village that there was and Island and also kupe's wife named the island aotearoa and in English its new Zealand. We also did some research skills to find out where most of the people lived before also when new Zealand was found all of the Maori separated and created there own tribes.
Kiwi Can
LI:To learn how to show respect.
Theme: Respect
Topic:For Our school
This week for kiwi can we started off by lining up and walking to the kiwi can room then as we got there we got into four lines we started to talk about what we did in the school holidays I was staying home and just creating random stuff and also watching entertaining stuff. After we were talking about our school holiday we got into learning about our Theme and topic our theme was respect and our topic was for our school. After that we got into out game and the game name was rules vs no rules we first played tag with no rules then we played tag with rules so after we played the no rules game they asked us how where you feeling in the game I said it felt like Chaos then we played tag with rules and in the tag with rules we had to hit each other with a swimming pool needle then we started to get back into our four lines and talked about our theme and topic again. After that we started to play another game and it was a acting game in the game we get into four groups and we had to act something out and present it in front of the groups. Then we got into a circle and played a game of GKQ in the game you have to go pass others and you have to challenge them with questions. Then kiwi can ended and we came back to class and wrote a blog post about Kiwi can there was also a new teacher at kiwi can named page.
Thank you Kiwi can.
Thank you Page and Mr Matt
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Conflict and resolution
LI:To analyse a story for its Conflict and resolution.
This week for reading my task was to make a copy of a DLO Mr Wong made and then finish off reading the book the we were learning about and putting the conflict between characters on the story then we had to explain what else happened in the story. So the conflict started at the first page of the book. There were three conflicts in the story and one of them were that Dillon didn't want to share his scooter with Harley the second one was that the mum wanted Dillon to give Harley a turn but the dad disagreed and said that Dillon should just enjoy his birthday present. The last conflict was when the dad wanted Harley to have a turn so he told Dillon but Dillon refused so then the dad had snatched the scooter off Dillon and gave it to Harley to have a turn as Dillon was storming into the house.
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