I was a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I was in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 28 December 2018
Faded Glory//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to think of three strategies to support our coral reef. So my first one is to start a fun raiser and know you already do but I just said it. Second one is to not let anyone swim near the coral reef. Last one is to get more people attention from other country's.
Faded Glory,
summer learning journey
The Black Drain//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task the article had a sentence about new Zealand history and one of them were about new Zealand river pollution. So we had to find two rivers that a polluted and write down the location of the river and what is being done to clean it. So my first river is called the ruamahanga river I didn't find information about how there going but I found a website that said that the ruamahanga river is getting in good quality. Now my second river is called wairarapa river. The wairarapa river is getting cleaned out by professionals. They saying that they are keeping the water in good quality.
summer learning journey,
The Black Drain
Off the Menu//Summer Learning Journey
So for this task they was a history about new Zealand and most people caught to many fish so now if people are caught fishing in the restricted areas then they would be fined one hundred thousand dollars. So we had to decide if it's fair or not. I think it is fair because fishing is ok but if you over fish then you would have no more fish to get.
Off the Menu,
summer learning journey
Thursday, 27 December 2018
Picture Perfect//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to pick out of three photos and explain whats happening in the back round.
I think this photo was taken in Amsterdam,Netherlands because how similar the buildings look.
I think the lady stopped at twelve in the afternoon because how sunny it is because in the morning the sun raises but at after noon that when the sun looks great. It is sunny in the morning but the sun is more beautiful in the after noon. The person that took the photo was on top of a building. Then a women should up in the way in his camera and took a photo of her. The city is filled with a lot of people. It has beautiful water. It's a celebration day. There are people from other country's exploring.
Picture Perfect,
summer learning journey
It’s All in the Name//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task you have to write down five names the geothermal pool in rotorua can be. The geothermal pool is stinky is neon green colour. there is gonna be a star beside one of the names to mark my favourite one.
Hidden Mist Pool *
Soggy snobs
Fobby Fob
Stinky tob
Hidden Mist Pool *
Soggy snobs
Fobby Fob
Stinky tob
Planes, Trains and Automobiles//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to answer the question that was writen down and it was about walking to Milford sound or go on boat or in air I would say in air because now you got a chance to get up the mountain faster and get a better view.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
The Midnight Zone//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to imagine if a adult can lift 25 kg and a kid can lift up 15 kg so I added twenty five plus fifteen equals 40 then I did 40 X 500 which is how much the giant octopus that every adult and kid trys to lift. The answer is 2000
summer learning journey,
The Midnight Zone
A Local Delicacy// Summer Learning Journey
So this week we had to write down what is your favourite food and how to make it so to make my favourite food which is Wonton Noodle soup you need dough you need it for your ramen and Wonton. So to make the ramen you need three hundred Miller leter of warm water then you add one table spoon of baking soda and then add three cups of Flour then mix them together. Then look for a nice and hard though you probably need to mix it for twenty minutes then you use the noodle cutter and then you leave it. But I am not sure about the rest my mother doesn't like to expose it.
A Local Delicacy,
summer learning journey
Night Owls//Summer Learning Journey
So this week for the summer learning task we had to write down on our blog if we are a night owl or not. I would say I am both because sometimes I wake up late sometimes I wake up earlier. So now I am gonna talk about my family so my mum wakes up at six because her work starts at seven. My dad I am not sure his work starts at three pm and ends at five am. My Brother is a night owl. My sister is a night owl. My other sister is a night owl to.
Night Owls,
summer learning journey
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Stranger than Fiction//Summer Learning Journey

So on this task we had to find two weird plants and write down the difference and similarity. So I picked the White bane berry plant and the base ball plant. So what they have in common is that there both toxic. There both round. They are also both rare to find. Now they are different because they are a different shape. They ain't the same height. They ain't the same width.
Mighty Mangroves//Summer Learning Journey

So on this task you had to pick a person who is strong someone that you know personally or on anime and other stuff. So I would Pick Levi Ackerman I think he is strong because in the anime he was in he manage to make the strongest enemy be afraid of him because they fought and Levi ended up Wining. If I picked a person in real life it would be my older brother because he is very strong cause he used go boxing but then quit and he was great one day I want to be like him. Also Levi has a habit which is cleaning.
Mighty Mangroves,
summer learning journey
Weaving a Tall Tale//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to write down if you would like to make a weaving fish our not. I would like to create a weaving fish because it's more of a complex task and I like complex task.
Monday, 24 December 2018
Something Smells Fishy//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task it was a quiz you had to copy and paste the quiz on your blog and answer them so here they are.
Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. TRUE
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. FALSE
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) TRUE
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes. TRUE
Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. TRUE
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. FALSE
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) TRUE
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes. TRUE
The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to write down three people you would bring to the Great Taupo Cycle Challenge. So I would pick my older brother [Sitiveni] I would bring him because he encourage me to work hard. I would bring my older sister Lini because she is like my brother and does the same thing. Lastly I would bring my mum Sulia because if I were to go somewhere I always take her with me.
Surfs Up!//Summer Learning Journey
LI: To tell others what you like to do on summer.
So on this task you had to take a photo of you doing the stuff you like to do on summer. So on summer I like to write and draw because I love to improve on subjects. Thats the reason why I like to draw and write.
summer learning journey,
Surfs up
Friday, 21 December 2018
New Zealand//Summer Learning Journey
So this year it was great I manage to make new friends. New Zealand is the perfect country to be born in it has great beaches the parks are great and our community is nice. So New Zealand is a great country we treat each other equally. This country is filled with a lot of people from different cultures and we respect them not matter what.
New zealand,
summer learning journey
Letter//Summer Learning Journey
Dear Family
Bonjour,I am on a trip to tundra it's cool because the weather changes a lot we just finishing Hiking and it was fun. I hope you guys are doing well cause I and my class are we are enjoying it here.
Bonjour,I am on a trip to tundra it's cool because the weather changes a lot we just finishing Hiking and it was fun. I hope you guys are doing well cause I and my class are we are enjoying it here.
summer learning journey
Why Logging is bad?//Summer Learning Journey
This week for the summer learning journey I am doing the last task for the first week and on this task we had to say reasons why we think logging is bad. So I think that logging should never be allowed in New Zealand because It would effect were the animals will live it would also effect our breathing. So what I am trying to say is stop cutting down trees for money you really have to choose money over your life and the animals life. So Loggers stop cutting down trees I learned one year ago that logging effect our life and our community thanks just for one video. The trees air clean up our Pollution and Carbon.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Basic facts boxes//Maths
LI: To learn your basic facts.
This week I was doing basic facts boxes in this task you had to make a copy of the google sheet our teacher sent us then answer the quotations. I first started on my multiplication I first read the instructions cause I didn't understand what to do then I started to do my multiplication until box number three then I did my division I answered all my division equation until box three each lane had ten lanes.
Basic facts,
Salt and Pepper//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to write down where you would build your hotel. So I would build my hotel in Japan,Tokyo I would build it in Japan because Japanese people respect there environment. I would build it with wood metal and steel.
summer learning journey
Pancakes and Maple Syrup?//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to write down what is our favourite food and how to make it. So my favourite food is Ramen but I like when the wonton is added as the toppings. To make it you need to roll up a dough then you put it on to a noodle maker then you would have your noddles. Then to make you soup I'm not sure my mother makes it for me but I don't know how she makes it. Then you add cooked meat and boiled eggs with any vegetable. I'd prefer making wonton and adding it into your noodles.
summer learning journey
Scaling New Heights//Summer Learning Journey
So on this task we had to ask five questions to sir Sir Edmund Hillary. So my first question is why did you want to climb up the mountain. Question number two how hard was it to breath when you were up the mountain. Question number three why couldn't you ask others to help out with you to climb up the mountain. Question number four when did you and Tenzing Norgay meet.
Question number five how did you meet Tenzing Norgay.
Question number five how did you meet Tenzing Norgay.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
SSR Selfie
LI: To explain what happened in the book.
This week I did SSR Selfie I read the book "The Adventure of John Blake" then I explained it on a google slide. I read a book about a kid named John Blake the book was interesting. In the google slide I have a picture of the book I read and a explanation about it on the side of it. The purpose of this was to explain a story that makes the audience feel interested in the book. I am very sure if you read the book you would enjoy it because of the conflict and the backstory.
ssr sellfie
LI: To learn how to write a smart comment.
So this week I commented on Xavier's blog he did great his blog post was about the Kauri tree I blog about it to and the tree was very interesting one day I hope I take great photos of it.
So this week I commented on Xavier's blog he did great his blog post was about the Kauri tree I blog about it to and the tree was very interesting one day I hope I take great photos of it.
Smart Comment,
summer learning journey
Monday, 17 December 2018
World Wildlife Fund//Summer Learning Journey

LI: To learn about the WWF care givers.
This week we had to watch two videos and explain what was the animals and what the organisation called the World Wildlife Fund did to help the animals. So I learned about a animal called the saimaa ringed seal. Apparently the saimaa ringed seal needs help when the give birth to a new seal so they need a snow bank a snow bank is when you have space in the floor with no snow but if they can't find a snow bank then they just have to born the new baby on the snow and it's not protecting the baby from the coldness. So the WWF which is the World Wildlife fund organisation helped the seals by making snow banks for them. I think that there idea was so thoughtful for the seals so I think that the seals would be able to protect the new born seal.
summer learning journey,
The Secretive Skink//Summer Learning Journey

LI: To explain why you want to be a doc ranger or not.
The six reasons why I want to be a doc ranger or not. So our task was to list three reason why I want to be a doc ranger and three reason why I don't. The first reason why I want to be a doc ranger is because it's good for our community the next reason is that you can help the animals. The last good reason is that you would be known as a hero. The reason why people should not be a doc ranger. The first reason people that have allergies to animals it's a bad job for your point of view. People could get sick and you could die. Those are the reasons why I sin't want to be a doc ranger and why I do want to become a doc ranger.
Doc Ranger,
summer learning journey
Fantastic beasts//Summer Learning Journey
LI: To create your own beast.
So on this task you had to think of your own beast and how it looks like and other details about the beast. So my beast name would be Logic he loves to be in the darkness so it means that he would start attacking people at night. He is as tall as the Kauri tree. If anyone trys to attack him with a weapon the would get burn in dark fire and then be left with a skeleton. He is strong and doesn't like to look at the light he could if he wanted to.
Fantastic Beast,
summer learning journey
Weird and Wonderful//Summer Learning Journey
LI: To solve the equation.
This week for the summer learning task we had to find out how much water you would need in a year to keep a cactus alive so they said that you need three miller letters of water to keep a plant alive. So then I solved it by multiplying three times as many days in a year which is 365 equals 1,095. Which mean's you would need 1,095 water to keep a cactus alive.
Fabulous Ferns//Summer Learning Journey
So this task is called Fabulous Ferns in the task you had to find three sporting teams from New Zealand that have the word fern in it's name so the first team I found was a netball team and it was called the sliver ferns and here is there kit.
LI: To find three teams with the name fern in there team name.

The second team that has the word fern in there name is the Black ferns it is a rugby team and here is there kit.

The last team is a football team and it is called the football ferns. They did well this year in the world cup all so I couldn't find the kit but I found a group photo of them wearing the kit.

LI: To find three teams with the name fern in there team name.

The second team that has the word fern in there name is the Black ferns it is a rugby team and here is there kit.

The last team is a football team and it is called the football ferns. They did well this year in the world cup all so I couldn't find the kit but I found a group photo of them wearing the kit.

Fabulous Ferns,
summer learning journey
Forest Life//Summer learning Journey
So today the task was to write down on your blog post why do you not or want to visit the Tane Mahuta tree. I would love to visit the Tane Mahuta tree because it would be great to see a tree that is apart of New Zealand's history I hope I would get to visit the Tane Mahuta.
LI: To learn about the Tane Mahuta tree.
LI: To learn about the Tane Mahuta tree.

Forest Life,
summer learning journey
Ice, Ice Baby//Summer Learn Journey
LI: To teach others about internet safety.
This week for the third task of the summer learning Journey we had to make a copy of a digital footprint then wright down the safety rules when your online. So I manage to write down the stuff I had learned in the past because our class has been learning about safety online. So the people that read my blog post should learn the safety rules in our school and what we do to never get in danger on that internet.
Digital Footprint,
summer learning journey
Hometown//Auckland//Summer Learning Journey
LI: To describe our home town.
This week for the summer learning Journey we had to describe how you like your hometown I live in Auckland and it is my hometown. The things that I like about Auckland is that it's very peaceful and you can sit outside and enjoy the breeze. Auckland is a town I really like I am happy that I was born in Auckland and it's my hometown. I don't like how Auckland is not the capital of New Zealand I mean it has the highest building in the country and people from other cultures love it here. So the other thing that I like about Auckland is that the people in Auckland respect you and treat you equally as the others.
summer learning journey
Top three fun facts about NZ//New Zealand
LI: To show interesting facts about New zealand.
So this week in class we were doing the summer learning journey. So the first activity was to find top three facts that you learned about New Zealand. The first fact I learn was that the Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud. Second fun fact I learned was that Queen Elizabeth II is officially Queen of New Zealand, represented in the country by a Governor General. The last fund fact I learned about was that the country is part of the Pacific Rim of Fire and its most active volcano is Mount Ruapehu, found in the middle of the North Island.
So this week in class we were doing the summer learning journey. So the first activity was to find top three facts that you learned about New Zealand. The first fact I learn was that the Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud. Second fun fact I learned was that Queen Elizabeth II is officially Queen of New Zealand, represented in the country by a Governor General. The last fund fact I learned about was that the country is part of the Pacific Rim of Fire and its most active volcano is Mount Ruapehu, found in the middle of the North Island.
Fun Facts,
summer learning journey,
Friday, 14 December 2018
Nelson Mandela// Presentation
LI: To learn about Nelson Mandela.
This week for inquiry we had to make a slide presentation and we had to pick a protester. My group picked Nelson Mandela because we think that he was a brave person to stand up for the black community also the other protesters like martin luther king Jr. So we had to find what was his hobby what did he like when was he born and where. So we had to find out what he was fighting for which was for the black community to be treated the same.
Nelson Mandela
Twas The night before Christmas// Rhyme
LI: To understand Rhyme.
This week for writing we had to make a google doc with a rhyme in it. So we first started by watching twas the night before Christmas rhyme then we had to make a google document and create our own Rhyme with the same topic. So I first thought about what are things people do in Christmas then I wrote it in Rhymes and the last words of the sentence had to Rhyme with the last words of the other sentence. So I used word's like Singing and Blinging. It was hard because you don't know how you would Rhyme that word and what it Rhymes with.
LI: To learn a whole bunch of idiom
This week for reading we were learn about Idioms so we first started by learning what are idioms then we had to get into groups after that you had to find Idioms in books and websites then you had to look at the list our teacher sent us and check if the word is on it. So when we found a idiom we had to find the meaning of it in the book then find the real meaning for a example cut to the chase the real meaning for cut the chase is when you talk for to long but you haven't got to the point but the meaning of it in the book is when a company was taking to long for a Stuart Levine to publish his back.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
LI: To learn about thee meanings of the Maori words.
This week for Maori our teacher sent us a document with a list of English words that are written in Maori. Then we had to write down the meaning of the words and were its located at. So the first word was Mawhera it was a location in the south Island of New Zealand called Greymouth. Then we did the same thing. then once we finished the list there was three words at the bottom and we had to find out what the meaning was after we did that we went to our teacher so she can check our work to see if our words mean the same.
Kiwi Can
Today we had Kiwi Can and it was our last week so we first started by walking to Kiwi can then once we were there they put us in the class in four lines but we had a special guest and she was a leader and she was just taken over someones job because that person was not here. So we first started by going over the things we had done in. So we first talked about the theme we were doing and it was respect. Then we did our catch phrases for each three topics we did. After that we had to do it by our selves. Then we got into a a circle and said the games we wanted to play and what we liked about kiwi can Then we got into playing games we played invisible touch it was hard because people had great ideas then we played octopus that was also hard because you would be in quickly. Then we played ten second tag and one person had to run and tag someone in ten seconds if you don't your out. Then we went back to class and played GKQ in the game people would answer questions there teacher would ask them and who ever is the last master wins.
Final Week,
kiwi can
Algorithm Multiplication
LI: To learn about different strategies.
This week for maths we had to pick our own strategies and had to pick how much questions were doing. So we first started by picking our last subject for the week my last subject was Multiplication and I was doing Algorithm. So my first equation was 2,617 X 5 then I started to multiply them together and com up with the answer slowly. Then I did one more equation and that one took long because I did two digits which means I had to multiply each digit one by one and I had to have two answer boxes because at the end I would be adding them together.
This week for maths we had to pick our own strategies and had to pick how much questions were doing. So we first started by picking our last subject for the week my last subject was Multiplication and I was doing Algorithm. So my first equation was 2,617 X 5 then I started to multiply them together and com up with the answer slowly. Then I did one more equation and that one took long because I did two digits which means I had to multiply each digit one by one and I had to have two answer boxes because at the end I would be adding them together.
Friday, 7 December 2018
LI : To learn how to write a smart comment.
This week for Commenting I commented on Vayan's writing task so in Vayan's task he had to read a book and then write down what was the story beginning to end. He has a very interesting point of view its a lot different to mine.
Smart Comment
Nelson Mandela Notes
LI: To note down stuff that you have learned.
This week we had to create a google doc with notes about what we found out about Nelson Mandela. We picked Nelson Mandela because most of the people in my group looked up to him for the great things he did. So we first started by finding websites with real information. It was hard because most of the websites I used were bad website with information they think it's true. After we found out stuff about Nelson Mandela we created a google doc with information about his life and the problems he fix.
Nelson Mandela,
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Athletics Day
On Wednesday people from PBS also known as Panmure bridge school went to attend a sport event. In the sport event schools get together to go up against each other. So we went on bus there then when we were there we set up or school tent then the running events for the boys started so there was one hundred, seventy five, Four hundred meter sprints. When a person from our school ran we voted as loud as we could so the people doing the events could hear us. There was a lot of people there voting for there schools. After that it was the boys turn to do the field events. For field events I did shot put and discus. So I first started by doing discus it was hard because the other schools had way better experience and had way better skill. After that I went and sat down and ate my lunch then I was called up for shot put the same thing happened we had harder opponents. Then it was up to watching people do relays our schools relay team made it to the finals the year five and six came last in there relay but our year seven and eight team came second place.
Subtraction Video
LI: To learn how to say equations in different languages.
This week we were learning how to say equations in a different language. So we first started by picking a country I picked Argentinean, Portuguese and Italian. After that we had to grab objects to use and record with I used blocks then we had to pick equations one that around the tens one that around the hundreds and one that around the thousand. After that we had to learn about the language then started recording. But we didn't put one country for one slide we did all countries for one side. What I learned is that Argentinians speak Spanish. I think the hardest culture language was Portuguese.
Horton Hears a who//Plot Diagram//Conflict
LI: To understand conflict and Resolution in a fiction text
LI: To understand plot summary
This week for writing we were learning how to understand a conflict from a fiction text or movie. So on Monday we were watching a movie and taking notes on our plot diagram at the same time as watching the movie then on Tuesday we watched the full movie and mange to complete our plot diagram. Then we had to make a copy of the google drawing our teacher sent us and right down two what was the conflict character vs character or character vs nature. Then after we found out what the conflict was then we had right down how it's that. Then we had to write down how would the story change if the movie happened a different way.
Kiwi Sport
This week we had Kiwi sport it was also our last session. So we first started by waiting for group A to finish their session. Then after that it was our turn so we had to buddy up with someone I buddy up with Fanini. After that one of the partners will be partner one and one would be partner two Fanini was Partner one I was partner two. Partner one had to grab gloves and partner two had to grab a noddle. After that we got into a warm up so the person with the gloves had to punch the noddle ten times then you had to do one star jump also known as a burpie. Then we got into learning how to do combos so the first combo we did was Jab,Cross,Left Hook and Right Uppercut we had to do as many as we can of that in two minutes. Then we did our second combo and it was Jab, Jab, Cross, Left Hook and right hook again we had to finish that in two minutes or three then we were up to doing our last combo it was Jab, Jab Cross, Uppercut and Left Hook. After that we switched which means Partner one has the noddle and partner two has the gloves and we had to do the same thing all over again. Then after that we did combo together as a group. After that we took a whole group photo with our kiwi sport teacher.
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Find Draw Animate Act
LI: To find and make examples of words.
This week we were learning about different words. So for our task we had to make a copy of the Find Draw Animate act google slide and find,Make a animate, Draw and act. So there was two websites we got the words off and it was a year six vocabulary list. So we also had to get into groups of threes and create videos and explanations about what the word means. The four words we have to finish first was Thwart, Opulent, Encroach, and Fetid. Thwart means stopping someone from completing something. Opulent means something expensive. Encroach means someone that needs privacy but someone is not giving him privacy. Fetid means something that smells.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Here is his blog >>> Chris
LI: To learn how to write a great comment.
This week I did commenting I wrote a comment on Chris's blog he explained alot of stuff about world war one and how it started. My main question is How do you think world war two started? I know the answer of it just asking if he knew.
LI: To explain what Peace is.
This week were learning about peace so we first started by making a copy of the slide our teacher sent us then we had to get into groups of five I had a group of seven because two people were away and came late. Then after we got into groups we had to write words that are opposite to the same. So then we had to split our groups up and had to make a copy of the google slide our teacher sent us then we had to write down sentence about what was the person in the photo point of view then once we finished that we had to create a DLO with a explanation about what you think Peace is.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
LI: To learn about Algorithm.
This week for maths we were learning about algorithm so we first started by creating a google drawing then we had to think of a equation I was thinking of doing 456,007 + 654,057 since I was doing addition. So then I started to add the numbers together so I first started by adding four hundred thousand plus six hundred thousand then I added fifty plus fifty which is equals one hundred then I added six plus four then added seven plus fifty seven after that I started adding them together like I pit one hundred into one million then I kept adding until I got the correct answer.
Kiwi Sport
This week for kiwi sport we were learning how to do counter attack if you didn't know what counter attack means it means when you use your opponents attack on himself. So we first started by lining up in a line and waiting for the other group to finish then it was our turn to learn about boxing. So we first started by sitting on the floor then our teacher went over the rules and then said that we will be learning about counter attacks. After we did that we played a game so in the game the there would be taggers and the had to hit us at our legs with the noddles if they hit above us they had to the burpies.
Next, After we played the game we got into our partners one of them had to grab two noddles and one of them had to grab the gloves and the boxing gloves we had ninety seconds to do that if we didn't do it in that time we had to do burpies. Then our first lesson was for the person with the noddle to hit the person with the gloves on the head but the person with the gloves had to block it by putting the gloves on your head then you had to do the jab and cross. Then after that we did a other lesson and it was when your partner with the noodles try to hit you with the noddle and you move back then move forward and punch the noodle jab cross then jab. After that we swap potions and did the same thing.
kiwi sport,
LI: To understand conflict and Resolution in a fiction text
LI: To understand plot summary
This week for writing we were learning about conflict. So we first started by siting on the mat and started listening to our teacher when he was reading the book. Then after that he asked us what was the conflict and what happened in the book then we went on our plot diagram and started to right down the Beginning,Rising action,Climax,Falling action and Resolution. So after we finished our plot diagram we had to go on the google draw our teacher sent us and write down what was the conflict about like was it a character vs self or character vs Society.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
LI: To learn what's the meaning of the places in New Zealand.
This week we had Maori and our task was to find out what the meaning of the places in New Zealand. So we first started by learning about the Maori history then we went on our Chromebooks then went on the website our teacher sent us so then we had to find out the meaning of the places in New Zealand. It was hard because we didn't know were to find the right information. So then after we finished understanding the meaning of the words then we said the words together as a class to the teacher. Our teacher got some words wrong but then she found out she was wrong.
Class Learning,
Cybersmart//Internet Safety
LI: To learn safety lessons on the internet.
This week for cybersmart we were learning how to be protected online so we first started by learning about what to not do online and what to do online then we played a game the has internet safety questions there would be fifth grade, Sixth Grade and other grades so we had to answer all the question but I didn't have enough time so then our teacher said to create a website with ten internet safety question or more so I first started by using the knowledge I got from the website then I added questions. The questions included you thinking four your self and what you think is right. I would prefer people should think about the questions before answering them.
Internet Safety
Kiwi Can
This week we had kiwi can our new topic was Respect for the Environment. So we played our first game and it was called Snake so in the game there would be one person on the floor crawling around to tag people once he tags someone that person joins him. So my tactic was to get on top of a table but I thought it was to dangerous so I did a diffident tactic and that was to cover the bin in front of you that tactic worked for me but then some person from our class grabbed the bin off me and used it for himself then someone tagged me and I lost. Second round did the same tactic but the snake grabbed the pulled the bin off me and tagged me with his feet. Then we sat on the floor in four lines and listened to our teachers so they first asked us what do you do to respect your environment. Then we played our last game and in the game there would be teams they had to name them self a name then the teacher would call your team then you would vs a other team then the teacher will give you a letter out of X or O then once the teacher said go you had to rush and sit on a seat the team the has three rows wins. Then we played G,K,Q in the game there would be a master and he had to go around the circle and beat people at answering questions.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Inferring thoughts and emotions
LI: To infer whats happening.
This week for reading we were learning how to infer so our task was to watch a video then infer how the characters or people were feeling. Inferring is when you get hints from the text and then putting them together to get the final answer. So we first started by siting on the floor and looking at the TV to watch the video after we watched the video together as a class we inferred what happened in the video and what was the emotions and thoughts. Then after that we got into our groups and inferred something together. Then after we showed the teacher we did it by our self we also had to add what time it was when your image of your inference showed then you infer what you saw. So I added extra words to the image so it can look like the birds are talking gin real life. So then I started to infer what was the emotion and what the birds were doing the first three slides were made just as a example.
Saturday, 24 November 2018
Athletics Day
LI: To explain what you did at Athletics day.
This week we had Athletics day. So we got into teams and they were blue,red,yellow and green I was in blue team so the first game we played was egg spoon race so in the game there would be four teams and the have a spoon with a fake egg on it so after you put the egg on the spoon you go turn left and right again and again then you will have to walk around the chair then after that you have to stand on one leg for three seconds then you have to do the same thing but backwards the first one back wins. The team that won this game was green.
Next we were on our next activity and it was Frisbee throw in this game there would be a net and we would be using a discus to throw in it the team with the fastest time to get the discuss in the winner of that round was green team then we used Frisbee and we had to get it in the net the discus round was the hardest because it had small balls and it just went thew the net so it was hard trying to get it in but it didn't count because it was to hard. Then we played a other game and it was called rob the nest so basically there would be four teams in each edge and the teacher will spill the bucket with tennis balls then your team has to go grab the tennis ball and see who gets the most once the tennis balls are finished then you had to go rob tennis balls from other teams and there would be tagger if you get tag then you stop until your teammate tags you.
Later we played another game named long jump so the four teams had to do a line up the team with the fair jump wins. Then we played another game and in the game the would be a sponge and your team had to jump with a jumping bag then you grab the sponger roll under the the pow and put the sponge in the water then do the same thing again. Next we played shot put in this game we would be using a cricket ball because a shot put would be hard for people to lift then you had to put the cricket ball to your neck and push the ball and then let go and see how far it go's. Then we played a game named discus throw so in the game there would be three areas and you had a hoop and you had to try and get it in a area the team with the most points. Then we played our last game of the day and in this game you had to lie on the floor then when the board claps then you had to try and grab the ball the winner out of your teams had to vs the winners from the other teams then we had lunch after that we did race's.
Later we played another game named long jump so the four teams had to do a line up the team with the fair jump wins. Then we played another game and in the game the would be a sponge and your team had to jump with a jumping bag then you grab the sponger roll under the the pow and put the sponge in the water then do the same thing again. Next we played shot put in this game we would be using a cricket ball because a shot put would be hard for people to lift then you had to put the cricket ball to your neck and push the ball and then let go and see how far it go's. Then we played a game named discus throw so in the game there would be three areas and you had a hoop and you had to try and get it in a area the team with the most points. Then we played our last game of the day and in this game you had to lie on the floor then when the board claps then you had to try and grab the ball the winner out of your teams had to vs the winners from the other teams then we had lunch after that we did race's.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Fanini's blog>>>> Blog
LI: To learn how to write a smart comment.
This week I commented on Fanini's blog post his blog post was about the world war one trenches. What I liked about his work was that he put one fact in one box and also used questions that usually people would ask as titles but my question was that what if he was living in a trench what would he do.
Smart Comment
Plot Diagram
LI: To explain what happened in the book that we read.
This week for writing our task was to make a copy of the plot diagram our teacher created and then read the book named the Lorax. We first started by reading the book named the Lorax then we had to make a copy of the plot diagram our teacher sent us and right about the beginning of the story to the end like right how the story started, What were the events and how the story ended. So we had to write about the story but then we re read the story to correct our work and to see if your correct. Then we went on a other go drawing to explain what was the conflict. We also had to write what the conflict was like was it a character vs character or character vs nature.
LI:To teach the people how to understand division.
This week for maths I was learning about division so our task was to make a animation about division. So I first started by getting a equation then I started writing about my animation. After that I started doing my first equation and the was to split the number twenty four into threes. After explaining how to do that equation I did another on and that was to split twenty four into fours. I used shapes to explain what I was talking about and also added lines to split them up.
Kiwi Sport/Defencive
LI: To learn how to defend your self while fighting.
This week for kiwi sport we were learning how to defend our self's while fighting. So we first started by getting into two lines then we walked to the hall and sat on the floor. Once we were there we sat on the floor and listen to our teacher. After we sat on the mat our teacher told us what we will gonna be doing and that was to learn how to defend your self while fighting. After that we got into partners and had to sit in opposite sides after that one of our partners had to go grab gloves and the other one had to grab a noddle but before we did that we played a game where the first one to grab the cone is the winner we had to do it in different positions. After that we wear our gloves. After that our teacher called for a person that wanted to stand in front of the class to show a example. So then we started to do our lesson our first one was two make our partner hit you with the noddle but if he aims for your head you have to cover your head. Then we had to the another one and it was one your partner try to hit you with the noodle but you move back in boxing positions. Then we had to swap gear with your partner and do the same lessons. What I learned was to never put both legs in the air while fighting and to always defend yourself while fighting.
This week for kiwi sport we were learning how to defend our self's while fighting. So we first started by getting into two lines then we walked to the hall and sat on the floor. Once we were there we sat on the floor and listen to our teacher. After we sat on the mat our teacher told us what we will gonna be doing and that was to learn how to defend your self while fighting. After that we got into partners and had to sit in opposite sides after that one of our partners had to go grab gloves and the other one had to grab a noddle but before we did that we played a game where the first one to grab the cone is the winner we had to do it in different positions. After that we wear our gloves. After that our teacher called for a person that wanted to stand in front of the class to show a example. So then we started to do our lesson our first one was two make our partner hit you with the noddle but if he aims for your head you have to cover your head. Then we had to the another one and it was one your partner try to hit you with the noodle but you move back in boxing positions. Then we had to swap gear with your partner and do the same lessons. What I learned was to never put both legs in the air while fighting and to always defend yourself while fighting.
kiwi sport
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
What can you tell?
LI: To infer information from a picture.
This week for reading our task was to infer whats happening in the photo. So we had to get into partners but one of them had to be from a different reading group. After we got into partners we had to make a copy of the google slide then we work individually we just got into partners to tell each other what you infer. Some photos were a bit hard because you ran out of things to infer. Also after inferring you had to make a arrow pointing at where your talking about.
Trench Warfare
LI: To explain the event in World war one.
This week we were learning about Trenches. So our task was to talk about the parts of the trench warfare. So we first started by talking about it to our teacher then we got back into our partners and then we had to watch videos and read stuff off websites once we did that we had to write more information on our text boxes we also had to talk about sickness and how it happened in trenchers. Once we talked about the parts in a trench we had to find a image the we could use and we had to write who it was taken by.
This week we were learning about Maori words. We first started by watching a video of how New Zealand was made it was a very interesting video. After watching the video our teacher gave us a number and once we got the number we had to get into partners and then we had to go to the white board and then four types of food will show up on that then we had to make a google drawing and put the food photos on it then name it in Maori.
Kiwi Can
LI:To learn how to respect our community.
This week for kiwi can our topic was respect for our community. We first started by getting into four lines then we played our game it was called handball in the game your class had to stand in a circle with your legs open and you have to try and block the ball from going threw your legs. If you hit the ball into someone else legs there eliminated. After that we got back into our four lines and started to talk about respect for our community. Our teacher asked us questions like how would you show respect to your community. Then after that we played another game named hand soccer. In the game there would be two teams then you would be named a number after you are named a number once your number gets called you have to run to the ball and hit it with your hand to your enemies goal. My team won ten to six it was a amazing game because we could play a real sport in a different way. After that we played a game named GKQ in the game we had to get into a circle and our teacher will say questions who ever gets it correct first moves in to vs someone else. Then we lined up and walked back.
Friday, 16 November 2018
Mounted Art
LI: To create a quatrefoil similar to Max Gimblett's art work.
This week we had a art week our task was to create a quatrefoil similar to Max Gimblett's art work. We first started by creating our art work on a google drawing we also had to do three pieces of art work one was a Christmas theme one one was a armistice day one and lastly one was in the style of Max Gimblett's art work. After we did our art digitally we moved on to using paper to do it.
Next after I finished doing my Christmas quatrefoil I did my armistice day quatrefoil if your wondering what armistice day is its to support the soldiers that contend in world war one and two. After doing my armistice day art work I did my Max Gimblett styled quatrefoil it was hard because I tried to not paint over the lines and also we had to use colouring pencils for our Christmas quatrefoil and had to use pastel for our armistice day one.
It was fun doing the work cause you got to create something and you got to learn new things about world war one and two.
Mounted art
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Basic Facts
LI: To learn your basic facts.
This week I did basic facts as extra work So I first started by getting a maths book and a pencil then I started to use my knowledge and right the basic facts I already learned So I first started by doing my divide so if your wondering why on my divide some answer say 2r2 because it means the answer is two and the are two left. Then I did my multiplication and it was very easy cause I had learned multiplication in the past.
Basic facts,
Kiwi Sport//Boxing
LI: To learn more moves and combos.
This week for Kiwi sport we were doing boxing but we were focusing on combos. So the year four and five students group A started kiwi sport first then when they came back the year six students went to Kiwi Sport that's including me. As we got there we sat on the floor of the hall and listen to our teacher. Our teacher first told us to go over the rules then we got in partners and started to do burpies if your wondering what burpies are its when you jump up the lie on the floor then jump back up and do a star jump each time we do something wrong we do that.
Next after we were in partners we started to do combos without the gloves then we had to grab gloves but one partner had to have no gloves on then once our teacher told us what our combos were then the partner with no gloves had to grab a noddle and had to hold it up and the partner with the gloves had to punch it with there combos. Then we had to swap our tasks I had to hold the noddle and my partner had to punch it we did combos but some of them for me was hard to remember. Then we started to pack up our stuff and left.
Lastly after we finished I felt tired and Exhausted. It was fun at boxing because you got to learn how to fight.
This week for Kiwi sport we were doing boxing but we were focusing on combos. So the year four and five students group A started kiwi sport first then when they came back the year six students went to Kiwi Sport that's including me. As we got there we sat on the floor of the hall and listen to our teacher. Our teacher first told us to go over the rules then we got in partners and started to do burpies if your wondering what burpies are its when you jump up the lie on the floor then jump back up and do a star jump each time we do something wrong we do that.
Next after we were in partners we started to do combos without the gloves then we had to grab gloves but one partner had to have no gloves on then once our teacher told us what our combos were then the partner with no gloves had to grab a noddle and had to hold it up and the partner with the gloves had to punch it with there combos. Then we had to swap our tasks I had to hold the noddle and my partner had to punch it we did combos but some of them for me was hard to remember. Then we started to pack up our stuff and left.
Lastly after we finished I felt tired and Exhausted. It was fun at boxing because you got to learn how to fight.
kiwi sport
LI: To learn the history of Maori.
This week for Maori we had to create a google drawing with photos of a buildings and whales and other stuff. The first thing we did was read a book it was called the whale rider. After that we created our google drawing with houses that are traditional and statues. I also draw a whale and new Zealand with lines then I had to put words near the photo to tell people what it is I used a line to point at what its called.
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