
Friday 21 December 2018

Why Logging is bad?//Summer Learning Journey

This week for the summer learning journey I am doing the last task for the first week and on this task we had to say reasons why we think logging is bad. So I think that logging should never be allowed in New Zealand because It would effect were the animals will live it would also effect our breathing. So what I am trying to say is stop cutting down trees for money you really have to choose money over your life and the animals life. So Loggers stop cutting down trees I learned one year ago that logging effect our life and our community thanks just for one video. The trees air clean up our Pollution and Carbon. 


  1. Hi Viliami

    The reasons you have given for not allowing logging in New Zealand are great. I had not even thought about the fact that we need trees to make oxygen (and let us breath). That is such a good point. What would we do if we cut down all the trees? How would we survive?

    Blog you later,

  2. Hello Viliami! You've given some pretty good reasons to support your opinion of why logging is bad. I was very interesting in reading this since I have mixed decisions about this topic. Wood is very useful, but cutting down trees is bad for the environment. Which do you think is more important for us? Keep it up!
